6. Commandline interface

A lot of the Python-RSA functionality is also available as commandline scripts. On Linux and other unix-like systems they are executable Python scripts, on Windows they are .exe files.

All scripts accept a --help parameter that give you instructions on how to use them. Here is a short overview:

Command Usage Core function
pyrsa-keygen Generates a new RSA keypair in PEM or DER format rsa.newkeys()
pyrsa-encrypt Encrypts a file. The file must be shorter than the key length in order to be encrypted. rsa.encrypt()
pyrsa-decrypt Decrypts a file. rsa.decrypt()
pyrsa-sign Signs a file, outputs the signature. rsa.sign()
pyrsa-verify Verifies a signature. The result is written to the console as well as returned in the exit status code. rsa.verify()
pyrsa-priv2pub Reads a private key and outputs the corresponding public key. -
pyrsa-encrypt-bigfile Encrypts a file to an encrypted VARBLOCK file. The file can be larger than the key length, but the output file is only compatible with Python-RSA. rsa.bigfile.encrypt_bigfile()
pyrsa-decrypt-bigfile Decrypts an encrypted VARBLOCK file. rsa.bigfile.encrypt_bigfile()