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DVDInfo version 1.1 released

UPDATE 2019: DVDInfo is offline. For converting DVDs and Blu-ray disks to an open format I would suggest MakeMKV. A new version of dvdinfo has seen the light of day. For those who don’t know it, it’s a piece of software that enables you to find the track number of the main feature film on a DVD, along with audio and subtitle track information.


UPDATE 2019: DVDInfo is offline. For converting DVDs and Blu-ray disks to an open format I would suggest MakeMKV. Ever wanted to rip a DVD with Mencoder? You would then need to find the right title number, the right subtitle track and and audio channel ID.

Rop Gonggrijp on Dutch television

UPDATE 2019: Unfortunately the video has been taken down. Internet pioneer, hacker and man with a good vision on the future. He was on Dutch television on the 24th of may.

IMDB Compare

UPDATE 2019: All of the below is offline. However, IMDB themselves have similar functionality. Something I’ve always missed in the Internet Movie Database is the ability to compare two movies. Sometimes I forget an actor’s name, but I do know at least two movies he or she is in.