Authentication and Authorization ====================================================================== For authentication and authorization Flickr uses `OAuth 1.0a `_. This ensures that in one flow, the user is authenticated via the Flickr website, and the application is authorized by the user to act in its name. The user's photos may be private. Access to her account is private for sure. A lot of Flickr API calls require the application to be authorized. This means that the user has to tell Flickr that the application is allowed to do whatever it needs to do. The Flickr document `User Authentication`_ explains the authentication process; it's good to know what's in there before you go on. The Python Flickr API takes care of most of the OAuth details, but still it is important to know the authentication flow. In short: 1. Get a request token from Flickr. 2. Send the user's web browser to Flickr to log in and authorize the application. 3. The browser is redirected to the application's callback URL to pass the application a verification code. 4. Use the verification code to trade the request token for an access token. 5. The access token can be stored by the application, so that future calls don't have to follow these steps. Here is a simple example that does all the above in one simple call to ``authenticate_via_browser``:: import flickrapi api_key = u'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' api_secret = u'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret) flickr.authenticate_via_browser(perms='read') The ``api_key`` and ``api_secret`` can be obtained from Every application should use its own key and secret. The call to ``flickr.authenticate_via_browser(...)`` does a lot of things. First, it checks the on-disk token cache. After all, the application may be authenticated already. If a token is found, it is checked with Flickr for validity. If it is valid, it is used for all following calls and the authentication process is complete. If the application isn't authenticated yet, a browser opens the Flickr page, on which the user can grant the application the appropriate access. When the user presses the "OK, I'LL AUTHORIZE IT" button, the browser will be redirected to a callback URL or display a verification code. The code is passed then to the application. When this code has been received, the token is stored in the token cache and the authentication process is complete. .. _`User Authentication`: Non-web applications -------------------------------------------------- OAuth was designed for web-based applications. After authorizing the application the browser is sent to an papplication-specific callback URL with a verification code appended. When your application is not web-based, you have two options: 1. Use "oob" as the callback URL. Flickr displays the verification code, which the user has to copy-and-paste to your application. This is described in `Authenticating without local web server`_. 2. Use Python Flickr API's local webserver. It is only available on the machine the application is running on, and listens on a random port. This is described in the rest of this section. Python Flickr API uses a local web server by default, and this is by far the easiest way to authorize desktop applications. .. todo:: more explanation; include timeout and GUI examples. Authenticating without local web server ---------------------------------------------------------------------- By default a webbrowser is started to let the user perform the authentication. A local web server is then started to receive the OAuth verifier code. Upon authorizing the application the browser is sent to this web server, where ``FlickrAPI`` obtains the verifier code. However, this may not be appropriate or even possible in your application. When a local web server is not used, you can use "out of band" passing of the verifier code:: import flickrapi import webbrowser api_key = u'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' api_secret = u'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret) print('Step 1: authenticate') # Only do this if we don't have a valid token already if not flickr.token_valid(perms='read'): # Get a request token flickr.get_request_token(oauth_callback='oob') # Open a browser at the authentication URL. Do this however # you want, as long as the user visits that URL. authorize_url = flickr.auth_url(perms='read') webbrowser.open_new_tab(authorize_url) # Get the verifier code from the user. Do this however you # want, as long as the user gives the application the code. verifier = str(input('Verifier code: ')) # Trade the request token for an access token flickr.get_access_token(verifier) print('Step 2: use Flickr') resp ='7658567128') Authenticating web applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------- When working with web applications, things are a bit different. The user using the application (through a browser) is likely to be different from the user running the server-side software. You can pass a username to the ``FlickrAPI`` constructor, so that access tokens from different users won't be mixed up. .. todo:: web flow Token handling in web applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Web applications have two kinds of users: identified and anonymous users. If your users are identified, you can pass their name (or other means of identification) as the ``username`` parameter to the ``FlickrAPI`` constructor, and get a FlickrAPI instance that's bound to that user. It will keep track of the authentication token for that user, and there's nothing special you'll have to do. When working with anonymous users, you'll have to store their access token in a cookie. .. todo:: concrete examples like this:: flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(api_key, api_secret, token=token) It won't be stored in the on-disk token cache - which is a good thing, since A. you don't know who the user is, so you wouldn't be able to retrieve the appropriate tokens for visiting users. B. the tokens are stored in cookies, so there is no need to store them in another place. Preventing usage of on-disk token cache ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If for any reason you want to make sure the access token is not stored, pass ``store_token=False`` as constructor parameter. Use this if you want to be absolutely sure that the FlickrAPI instance doesn't use any previously stored tokens, nor that it will store new tokens. Configuring location of on-disk token cache ---------------------------------------------------------------------- By default the authentication tokens are stored in ``~/.flickr``. If you want to change this, just pass ``token_cache_location='/path/to/token/cache/dir'`` as constructor parameter. Multiple processes using the same key ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The token database uses SQLite3, so it should be safe to access using mutiple processes at the same time. Example using Django ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. todo:: Update this example. Here is a simple example in `Django `_:: import flickrapi from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse import logging logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def require_flickr_auth(view): '''View decorator, redirects users to Flickr when no valid authentication token is available. ''' def protected_view(request, *args, **kwargs): if 'token' in request.session: token = request.session['token']'Getting token from session: %s' % token) else: token = None'No token in session') f = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(settings.FLICKR_API_KEY, settings.FLICKR_API_SECRET, token=token, store_token=False) if token: # We have a token, but it might not be valid'Verifying token') try: f.auth_checkToken() except flickrapi.FlickrError: token = None del request.session['token'] if not token: # No valid token, so redirect to Flickr'Redirecting user to Flickr to get frob') url = f.auth_url(perms='read') return HttpResponseRedirect(url) # If the token is valid, we can call the decorated view.'Token is valid') return view(request, *args, **kwargs) return protected_view def callback(request):'We got a callback from Flickr, store the token') f = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(settings.FLICKR_API_KEY, settings.FLICKR_API_SECRET, store_token=False) frob = request.GET['frob'] token = f.get_token(frob) request.session['token'] = token return HttpResponseRedirect('/content') @require_flickr_auth def content(request): return HttpResponse('Welcome, oh authenticated user!') Every view that calls an authenticated Flickr method should be decorated with ``@require_flickr_auth``. For more information on function decorators, see `PEP 318 `_. The ``callback`` view should be called when the user is sent to the callback URL as defined in your Flickr API key. The key and secret should be configured in your, in the properties ``FLICKR_API_KEY`` and ``FLICKR_API_SECRET``.