Tried Plone, but it's too much

UPDATE 2019: UnrealTower has been down for quite some years now.

This weekend, I took a good look at Plone. It’s a very nice content management framework for creating websites. It’s written in Python, easy for users that want to publish articles without knowledge about HTML and databases, and quite easy to get going. Besides that, you can manage your website entirely from the comfort of your own website.

The downside however, is that it’s tricky to customize the HTML and the CSS. The supplied HTML/CSS is quite large too - a simple page is about 235 Kbytes. Compare that to the 16 Kbytes of my current pages. My engine is a lot simpler, but therefore also a lot faster. The HTML is also much simpler, therefore it is a lot easier to get the looks I want.

Adding up the pros and the cons, Plone is nice, but personally for me, it can’t measure up to my UnrealTower Engine.

dr. Sybren A. Stüvel
dr. Sybren A. Stüvel
Open Source software developer, photographer, drummer, and electronics tinkerer