More Supreme Commander cheats

This is an extention of the cheat I published earlier.

Before you can copy & paste units and buildings, you have to be able to select them. You might have noticed that you can’t select everything - not enemy units nor unfinished units/buildings.

Here is a really powerful trick: press the tilde/backtick button [~] to open the console, type “ui_selectanything”, press enter then press the tilde/backtick button again to close the console. Now you can select anything!

Try this:

  • Start building a building
  • Immediately copy & paste
  • Now you have a finished building!

This also works for experimental units! Start building a Monkeylord, copy & paste it, and now you have a fully finished Monkeylord within seconds.

dr. Sybren A. Stüvel
dr. Sybren A. Stüvel
Open Source software developer, photographer, drummer, and electronics tinkerer