
1 min read

This is my blog. It may have something for you.

Python FlickrAPI 1.4.4 released

Python FlickrAPI library version 1.4.4 has been released, and can be downloaded from with more info at The changes are: Changed default API URL to use HTTPS (Joseph Hui).

Reloading your code in Blender

UPDATE 2019: Things are considerably simpler. Just press F8 in Blender 2.79 or older, or press F3 and search for ‘Reload Scripts’ in recent Blenders. Blender lets you script more or less everything.

Counting pixels in Blender

UPDATE 2019: the image of the node setup has been lost. For my research, I’m using Blender to generate images. I wanted to know how visible a certain object is in the final render (i.

Python-RSA version 3.1.4 released

It’s been a while since I’ve been working on my RSA library, and in the last weeks I’ve released a few new minor versions. Here are the differences since my last blog post about it:

Comments via Disqus

UPDATE 2019: I’ve removed the ability to comment altogether. My blog has been targeted by spammers for years. The last months spam has been on the rise, so I finally got fed up with it and replaced my home-grown comment system with Disqus.

Installing Windows 8 with different product key

New laptops often are shipped with the Windows product key stored in the EFI/BIOS/whatever. The result is that you don’t get a product key prompt any more. Great for reinstalls, as copying the key by hand is very error-prone.

Blender conference 2013

Last weekend Amsterdam was visited by a great group of over 250 Blender professionals and enthousiast, for the Blender Conference 2013. This year it was my pleasure to give a workshop about my research, and how I use Blender to visualize my result.

Lancering nieuwe website

Speciaal voor mijn fotografie is er vandaag een nieuwe website gelanceerd: Deze site is volledig gericht op fotografie: huwelijksreportages, portretten en panorama’s. Binnenkort zal ook een verandering doorgaan, aangezien alle fotografie-gerichte onderdelen nu een nieuw plekje op https://stuvelfoto.

Ten reasons I don't like Visual Studio

For my work I’m using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 (VS) to write our C++ code. There are so many things wrong with this IDE that I just had to write this post.

Portretten in het park

21 juli werden bij de Noorderparkbar liefdesliedjes gedraaid door Döske en liefdesstoelen gepresenteerd door Marc. Een uitgelegen moment om wat intieme portretten te maken. Geschoten met m’n Hasselblad 500 C/M op Kodak Tri-X 400 film.