MultiBlend Changelog
This is a tool that I worked on back in 2006. It’s been superseded by
Flamenco, a much more powerful tool that I co-developed as employee of the Blender Institute. The rest of this page stems from 2006.
Below, you’ll find the changelog of Multiblend. It contains all changes worth mentioning since the first release.
2006-05-29, version 1.3
- Added possibility to select the scene to render.
- Added nice level to the config possibilities.
- Added possibility to skip node testing.
- Fixed chunk size bug when number of nodes is larger than number of frames to render.
- Fixed encoding bug when stdout is not a terminal.
- Start ‘sh’ immediately on the node. This prevents ’last logged in on …’ messages upon login, and thus improves compatability with different systems.
- Added echoing_node to the config possibilities.
2006-05-10, version 1.2
- No longer need NFS, files are copied via scp instead. This does add the requirement that all external files (fonts, textures, etc.) either should be already available on the nodes, or be packed inside the Blender file.
- Removed the special hostname LOCAL. In its stead, just use hostname=localhost. This made the code more stable and clean.
2006-05-01, version 1.1
- The used chunk size now is the maximum of the configured chunk size, and the number of frames to render divided by the number of nodes. This tries to ensure all nodes are used, even for a small number of rendered frames.
- Logging prints node hostname instead of number.
- Pressing Ctrl+C will properly terminate Blender on all nodes.