
0 min read

Eclipse doesn't support AES-encrypted SSH keys

Today all of a sudden I couldn’t commit to CVS any more. Eclipse refused to accept my SSH key passphrase. When trying to load the file, Eclipse tells me ‘failed to decrypt id_rsa’.

Added random padding to Python-RSA

I’m thrilled to let you know that I’ve just added encryption and decryption with random padding to my Python RSA module. The code has become much more secure than it was before, and also makes it capable of encrypting and decrypting binary data!

Version 2.0 of RSA module

A guy named Dave sent me an email today, telling me that my RSA implementation was rather insecure due to the use of the “pickle” Python module. Fortunately I had some nice improvements by Barry Mead already in version control, eagerly waiting to be released.

New PGP key

I have superseded my old key with a new PGP key. Please import the revocation certificate for the old key and the new key.

RSA version 1.3 released

A new version of my pure-Python RSA implementation has been released. The one major change is improved compatibility with Windows. Download EGG files for Python 2.4, Python 2.5 or the source package at the Python Package index.

Pure-Python RSA module version 1.2 released under EUPL

By popular demand, we’ve re-licensed our pure-Python RSA module under the European Union Public Licence ( EUPL). This new licence is the first open source license to be released by an international governing body.

RSA version 1.1 released

A pure Python implementation of the RSA cryptographic protocol. It contains functions for encryption, decryption, signing, verification, and the generation of keys and prime numbers. The recursive nature of RSA version 1.