Moving from pwsafe to KeePass
My favourite password management tool, pwsafe, is getting old. It’s no longer part of Ubuntu and I’ve had to compile it myself for quite a while now. It’s also not supported on Android, and shows other signs of aging. So, I moved to KeePass. Exporting my database to CSV was simple, and to make the job of importing it correctly into KeePass even easier, I wrote a simple Python script.
import csv
infile = open('passwords.csv', encoding='utf-8')
outfile = open('passwords-groupfixed.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='')
incsv = csv.reader(infile, delimiter='\t')
outcsv = csv.writer(outfile)
for rowidx, row in enumerate(incsv):
if rowidx == 0:
# Skip comment row
if rowidx == 1:
outcsv.writerow(['uuid', 'Title', 'User name', 'Password', 'Notes', 'URL'])
if len(row) != 6:
raise SystemExit('Weird row: {}'.format(row))
uuid, group, name, login, passwd, notes = row
if group:
name = group + '.' + name
url = ''
if notes.startswith('http') or notes.startswith('www'):
url, notes = notes, url
outcsv.writerow([uuid, name, login, passwd, notes, url])
This script takes the pwsafe CSV and transforms it into a CSV file that can be plugged into KeePass without any further configuration. Nice and easy!